Young Speakers

Our Young Speakers program is a great way to introduce your child to public speaking and communication!  Students will choose a Ted Talk and learn to speak with authority, convey emotion, and present to an audience. Students will learn about projection, body language, eye contact, and get lots and lots of practice giving speeches!

This is a high-energy, active program filled with fun speaking games and activities that your child will absolutely love! And our instructors are friendly, warm, and great at making public speaking exciting. Your child will develop their public speaking confidence, and have a really enjoyable summer experience as well!

Lumos Summer Intensive Programs

$920 $1,075

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Age Range
12 - 15 Years
9am to 4pm
Skill Level 
June 1 to August 31
5 Days

4:1 student Teacher ratio

Our online programs guarantee a student teacher ratio of 4:1. We've found that, especially for online coaching, having a small class size is absolutely critical for making sure that every student gets to speak - even our shy or more reluctant students! The 4:1 student teacher ratio also means that our instructors really get to know each child's strengths and weaknesses and provide targeted coaching throughout the week.

Private Coaching Built-In

The most effective teaching we do is in one-on-one coaching with students. These highly-focused sessions lead to immense growth in each student's capabilities, because they get immediate feedback on their volume, voice, and tone. Our schedule has been designed to emphasize one-on-one coaching, individual feedback, and lots of speaking practice for every student!

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